
Galloway & Friends is a blog focused on paganism, witchcraft and heathenry in Victoria, Australia and beyond.

Do not be fooled by these words. We are very serious about paganism, witchcraft, and heathenry – this will not be your usual fluffy-bunny blog. We won’t promote what we don’t think is worthwhile. We won’t tell you what to be, but what we are, how we perceive it in our eyes, and how it simply is.

We’ve had many stories and opinions come our way since starting this blog and would like to thank people who have approached us in the past, telling us about issues and stories that were important to them. Some stories and experiences have been used in these blog posts, with kind permission. We will also have guest bloggers from time to time.

Galloway Green – The Fusspot in Charge. Chief Raconteur.
Galloway has been involved in Australian witchcraft, and paganism in one way or another for several decades now. She lived much of her younger life in the Gippsland region of Eastern Victoria, and spent some time in London during the 1970s.
Having never even been able to switch on a computer, Galloway signed up for a class for basic IT skills two years ago. This led to her first foray into the world of the internet, and of what pagans get up to online. Her love of words and her cantankerous personality drew her to blog about this experience.
Galloway now lives on a farm the Otways, south-west Victoria, where she likes to road-test her writing ideas on her goats and black-faced sheep.

Cecily Mills – Jam Fancier. Shirker of Duties.
Cec was first drawn to witchcraft when she became addicted to Bewitched during her brief stint as a housewife. She trawled Melbourne’s bookstores for everything she could find, promptly decided most of it was garbage, and settled for drinking tea and poking fun at Z Budapest.

Tess O’Teric – Wiccan Hipster. Holier than thou.
Tess O’Teric is the pseudonym of an occultist from Melbourne, Victoria. She is actively involved with a number of public and private circles.

Beatrice VB – Queen Bea. Campari Enthusiast.
Bea’s fondest claim to fame is what she calls a “horizontal tango” with an unnamed American actor in the alleys of Montmartre after a martini-fueled (olives, please!) night at the Moulin Rouge, circa ’71.
Bea now lives a secluded lifestyle with her husband in Eastern Victoria, accompanied by a large and varied menagerie. Her interests include canasta, alcohol, and delivering more tarot readings than most people have had hot dinners. In her down-time, Bea can be found fondly reminiscing about her many travels to The Continent over the years, and the trail of empty Advokat bottles she left in her wake.

Daracha Melangell – Folklorist.
Daracha emigrated to Australia from her native Scotland almost twenty years ago. She teamed up with Galloway to share her knowledge of folklore, witchcraft and heathenry, which in turn created some of the earliest pieces on this blog. Home for her is now a cosy miner’s cottage in a small rural town.

Michael Badgery – Frater Gobshite. Compulsive Fiddler.
Mick spends a lot of time contemplating a lot of things. Sometimes he phones Galloway and shouts ideas at her until she types them.





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